A childhood steeped in myths, legends and storytelling led to a lifelong fascination with the universality of archetypes for artist/educator Marta Robertson-Smyth.

Through her painting and sculpture Marta communicates her process of discovery and reflection. “We are taught to see the world in dualities – Us/Them, Body/Spirit, Good/Bad, Death/Life.

These are expressions of separation and difference. In my work I explore these polarities in an attempt to break through that wall of separation, to find a more unifying experience.  By exploring them in both serious and playful ways I’m understanding, gaining and communicating new perspectives.”

Her belief in the potential for magical transformation in everyday life permeates her art. Sometimes surrealistic, her work is personal and passionate. It reflects her capacity to see heroes all around her and resonates with her receptiveness to the creative inspiration of multicultural sources.

Marta, a BFA graduate of Mount Allison University, lives in Vancouver. Her works have been shown in galleries in Halifax, Winnipeg, Toronto, the West Indies and Vancouver. She works in many mediums including clay, watercolour, acrylic, oil and chalk pastel. Nor is her imagination limited by size, having worked small-scale to massive outdoor murals.